Tuesday, December 18, 2018



Translated By P.R.RamachanderBhairava is a fierce deity and is the guardian of the city of Varanasi. Once Lord Brahma got very proud and neglected God ShivaLord shiva burnt with anger and his fierce anger reframed itself in to Lord Bhairava, who immediately went to Lord Brahma’s place and pinched of one of the heads of Lord Brahma (Those times he had five heads). This was a Brahmahathi sin and the head got attached to the hand of Lord Bhairava. He was advised to go to Varanasi and worship Goddess Annapurneswari to atone for his sin. He did so and as a result the head of Brahma got detached. Lord Shiva then appointed him to guard the holy city of Varanasi. He sits there in several forms. This octet addresses him first in his principal form of Kshehthrapala (guardian of the temple) and then to the eight different forms located in different places of Varanasi. These temples are located in Varanasi at:
  • Kshethrapala Bhairava Or Dwara Bhairava-Kasi Viswanath temple
  • Ruru Bhairava - Hanuman Ghat
  • Chanda Bhairava - Durga Kund
  • Asitanga Bhairava - Amrit Kund
  • Kapala Bhairava or Lat Bhairav
  • Krodha Bhairava - Kamaccha
  • Unmatta Bhairava - Bhimchandi Sadak
  • Samhara Bhairava - Trilochanganj
  • Bhishana Bhairava or Bhut Bhairav
Bhairava is worshipped as an incarnation of Lord Shiva by some Shaivaites and as his aid by majority of them. There was a time when the fierce branch of Shaivism known as Kapaliakas considered him as their deity.
In this stotra, the ashta Bhairavas are related to the ashta Mathas(mothers) viz
  • Brahmani
  • Maheswari
  • Vaishnavi
  • Varahi
  • Kaumari
  • Indri
  • Narasimhi
  • Chamundi
In South India, it is a normal practice to take permission of Lord Bhairava (whose temple would be outside the main temple) before going to see Lord Shiva.
It is believed that Lord Bhairava will protect the assets and wealth of his worshippers. It is a practice to light a pepper lamp before him and offer him curd rice on KrishnaPaksha Ashtami.

Kshethra Pala Bhairava (Bhairava who is the guard of earth)

Raktha jwalaa Jada dharam, sasi dharan, Rakthanga thejo mayam,
Dakka Shoola kapala pasa gadha dharam Bhairavam,
Nirvanam Gathavahanam Trinayanamcha Ananda kolahalam,
Vande bhootha pisacha natha vadukam Kshethrasya palam Shubham., 1
I salute the leader of ghosts and Ghouls, Lord Bhairava,
Who wears the red flame as his matted hair,
Who wears the moon, who shines in red colour,
Who holds a drum, spear, skull, rope and mace in his hands,
Who is nude, who rides on a dog, who has three eyes,
Who is always happy and exuberant and is the guard of the temple.

Asithanga Bhairava (Bhairava who has a dark body)

Trinethram, varadam shantham, munda mala bhooshitham,
Swetha varnam, krupa murthim, Bhairavam Kundalojjwalam,
Gada kapala samyuktham, kumarsya digambaram,,
Banam pathrancha sankham cha Aksha maalaam kundalam,
Naga Yagnopaveetham cha dharinam suvibhooshitham,
Brahmani shakthi sahitham, hamsaroodam suroopinam,
Sarvabheeshta dharam nithyam asithangam Bhajamyaham., 2
I pray the dark Bhairava who fulfills all desires,
Who is forever, who has three eyes, who blesses and is peaceful,
Who wears a skull garland, who is white, who is the Lord of mercy,
Who shines in his ear globes, who holds mace and the skull,
Who is young and nude, who holds arrow, vessel, conch, bead chain and ear globes,
Who wears snake as sacred thread, who is well ornamented,
Who is with Goddess Brahmani, rides on a swan and is good to look at.

Krodha Bhairava (Bhairava who is angry)

Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram,
Gadam shankam cha Chakrancha pada pathrancha dharinam,
Lakshmyacha sahitham vame garudasana susthitham,
Neela varnam maha devam Vande Sri Kroda Bhairavam., 3
I salute the angry Bhairava, who is blue and a great God,
Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude,
Who is armed with mace, conch, wheel, rope and a vessel,
Who is near Goddess Lakshmi riding on Garuda the eagle.

Unmatha Bhairava (Bhairava who is mad)

Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram,
Hema Varnam, maha devam, hastha vahana susthitham,
Gadgam, kapalam, musalam, dathantham, kedagam thadha,
Varahi shakthi sahitham Vande Unmatha Bhairavam., 4
I salute that mad Bhairava who is power called Varahi,
Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude,
Who is of golden colour, great God and rides on a swan,
And who holds sword, skull, Pestle and also the shield.

Ruru Bhairava (Bhairava who is the teacher)

Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram,
Dangam krisna mrugam pathram bibranam chakru panakam,
Maheswaryayudham devam vrusharoodam smitha vahanam,
Shudha sphatikam sankaram, namami Ruru Bhairavam., 5
I salute the Bhairava with the deer,who is like pure crystal and a destroyer,
Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude,
Who holds a hatchet, deer, drinking goblet and a sword in his hands,
Who has the armed Maheswari by his side and who is smiling and rides on a bull.

Kapala Bhairava (Bhairava of the Skull)

Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram,
Pasam, Vajram, thadha Gadgam pana pathranch dharinam,
Indrani shakthi sahitham Gaja vahana susthitham,
Kapala Bhairavam Vande padma ragha prabham Shubham., 6
I salute the Bhairava of the skull, who has a shining body,
Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude,
Who holds rope, Vajrayudha, Sword and Drinking Goblet,
Who has with him Indrani Shakthi, is being well praised and rides on an elephant.

Chanda Bhairava (Fierce Bhairava)

Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram,
Dhanur banancha bhibranam, Gadgam Pathram Thadaiva cha,
Koumari shakthi sahitham, Shikihi vahana sthitham,
Gowri varnayudham Devam Vande Sri Chanda Bhairavam., 7
I salute the Chanda Bhairava who is pure white in colour,
Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude,
Who holds rope, Vajrayudha, Sword and Drinking Goblet,
Who has with him Kaumari Shakthi and rides on a peacock.

Bheeshana Bhairava (The fearful Bhairava)

Trinethram, varadam, santham, kumarancha digambaram,
Gadgam soolam Kapalancha darinam musalam thadha,
Chamunda shakthi sahitham pretha vahana susthitham,
Raktha varnam maha devam Vabde Bheeshana Bhairavam,., 8
I salute the fearful Bhairava who is a great God of blood red colour,
Who has three eyes, blesses, peaceful, young and nude,
Who holds sword, trident, skull and pestle in his hand,
Who has with him Chamunda Shakthi and rides on a corpse.

Samhara Bhairavam (Bhairava the destroyer)

Dasa bhahum trinethram cha sarpa yagnopaveethinm,
Damishtra karala vadanam ashtaiswarya pradhayakam,
Digambaram kumarancha simha vahana samsthitham,
Soolam damarugam shankam, gadam chakrancha darinam,
Gadgam pathram cha Gadwangam pasa mangusa meva cha,
Ugra roopam madonmathamam bada vaalai,
Chandika shakthi sahitham dyayeth samhara Bhairavam., 9
I meditate on Bhairava the destroyer who is with Chandika Shakthi,
Who has ten hands, three eyes and snake as sacred thread,
Who has protruding teeth, fearful look and grants eight type of wealth,
Who is nude, a youth and rides on a lion,
Who holds trident, drum, conch, mace and wheel in his hands,
Who holds sword, vessel, Gadwangam, rope and goad.
And who has fearful looks, wears skull garland and greatly exuberan

बटुक भैरव मंत्र सिद्धि सरल व संशिप्त विधि

बटुक भैरव मंत्र सिद्धि सरल व संशिप्त विधि 

भैरव जी के 12 स्वरूपों में से बाल भैरव और बटुक भैरव को पूर्णतः सात्विक , सुंदर व म्रदुल माना गया है | और भगवान विष्णु , राम और कृष्ण  के समान इन रूपों की पूजा भी की जाती है | भैरव जी की इस रूप में उपासना करने से घर में रिद्धि -सिद्धि के साथ -साथ सभी मनोकामनाए भी पूर्ण होती है | इस रूप में यदि भैरव मंत्र साधना की जाये तो भैरव शीघ्र प्रसन्न होकर आपकी सभी मनोकामनाएं पूरी करते है |
Batuk Bhairav Mantra Siddhi mantra sadhana
भैरव जी के इन रूपों के बिलकुल विपरीत जो रूप है उसे – ” महाकाल भैरव ” कहा गया है | महाकाल भैरव को मृत्यु का देवता कहा गया है | तंत्र साधना के लिए भैरव के इसी स्वरुप की साधना की जाती है | तांत्रिको के लिए महाकाल भैरव और महाकाली की साधना विशेष फलदायी होती है | महाकाल भैरव के अतिरिक्त 8 और प्रचंड रूप है जो इस प्रकार है :- असिताग भैरव , रु- रु भैरव , चंड भैरव , क्रोधोन्मत भैरव , भयंकर भैरव , कपाली भैरव, भीषण भैरव और संहार भैरव | विशेष प्रकार की तंत्र साधना में इन रूपों की साधना की जाती है |
महाकाल भैरव के साथ-साथ ये 8 रूप भी प्रचंड रूप माने गये है | भैरव जी को शिवजी का 5वा और रूद्र रूप माना गया है | यदि कोई  साधारण व्यक्ति भैरव साधना करना चाहता है तो उसे भैरव के सोम्य रूप की ही पूजा करनी चाहिए जिनमे : बाल भैरव , बटुक भैरव और स्वर्णाकर्षण भैरव इन रूपों का वर्णन किया गया है |

बटुक भैरव मंत्र साधना विधि : – 

बटुक भैरव साधना को आप दिन में या रात में दोनों समय कर सकते है किन्तु जिस समय का आप चुनाव करते है | प्रतिदिन आप उसी समय पर मंत्र जाप करें | आप इस साधना को रविवार के दिन प्रारंभ कर सकते है | इस साधना को 41 दिन तक करना चाहिए | और जैसे ही  41 दिन पूरे होते है मंत्र जाप के दशांश भाग से हवन करना चाहिए | साधना का पूर्ण प्रतिफल प्राप्त करने के लिए इसे प्रतिदिन निश्चित समय पर और लगातार 41 दिन तक करना चाहिए | मंत्र जाप करने की संख्या आप अपने सामर्थ्य अनुसार निश्चित कर सकते है | यदि आप प्रतिदिन 3 माला का जाप या 5 माला का जाप सुनिश्चित करते है तो प्रतिदिन आपको उतनी ही संख्या में माला का जाप करना है | किसी दिन कम या ज्यादा- एसा कदापि न करें |

मंत्र इस प्रकार है : –

ॐ कर कलित कपाल कुण्डली दण्ड पाणी तरुण तिमिर व्याल
यज्ञोपवीती कर्त्तु समया सपर्या विघ्न्नविच्छेद हेतवे
जयती बटुक नाथ सिद्धि साधकानाम
ॐ श्री बम् बटुक भैरवाय नमः

साधना की सरल व संशिप्त विधि : –  

पूर्व दिशा की तरफ एक चौकी पर लाल कपडा बिछा ले और इस पर बटुक भैरव की प्रतिमा रखे | अब आप एक कागज़ पर उपरोक्त मंत्र को लिख कर इसे मोड़कर अब चौकी पर भैरव जी की प्रतिमा के नीचे रख दे | अब चौकी के दायें तरफ (हमारे तरफ से वह बायीं तरफ होगी ) आप एक मिटटी के घड़े में पानी की स्थापना करें और इस पर एक नारियल बिना पानी वाला पर हिलाने पर आवाज आती हो | इस नारियल पर एक लाल कपडा लपेट दे और अब इस नारियल को पानी के घड़े पर रख दे | इस पानी के घड़े के आगे मिटटी के दिए में सरसों के तेल से पट बत्ती लगाकर दीपक प्रज्वलित करें | एक कटोरी में थोड़े से चावल डालकर उस पर गणेश जी की स्थापना करें | पित्र देव की स्थापना करें | और पूजन करने के पश्चात् संकल्प लेकर मंत्र जाप आरम्भ कर दे |
आप गणेश जी और पित्र देव की स्थपाना और संकल्प कैसे करें इसके लिए आप इस post को पूरा पढ़े : मंत्र सिद्धि कैसे करें ? 
गणेश जी , पित्र देव , वरुण देव व प्रधान देव बटुक भैरव की स्थापना  व पूजा करने के पश्चात् संकल्प लेकर अब आप माला का जाप आरम्भ कर सकते है माला का जाप किस प्रकार से करना चाहिए इसके लिए आप ये विडियो देखे : – जानिए, मंत्र सिद्धि में, माला जाप करने की सही विधि |
इस प्रकार बटुक भैरव जी की साधना कर आप अपने किसी भी कार्य को सिद्ध करें | आपको ये जानकारी कैसे लगी आप हमें कमेंट्स के माध्यम से अपने सुझाव दे सकते है || ⇒ ♣ हनुमान यंत्र को इस प्रकार से सिद्ध कर घर में स्थापित करें और पाए सभी कष्टों से मुक्ति ♣ ⇐

⇒ || मंत्र सिद्धि के पश्चात् , मंत्र का परिक्षण किस प्रकार करें ? || ⇐

Bhairavastakam And Ganesh Shodas

Friday, December 7, 2018

Numerology Basics

Destiny Number/Life Path Number-

It is commonly called the 'lucky number'. It is calculated by adding all the numerals in one's birth date and bring it down to one digit. For e.g., a birth date of 2/09/1976 will give the destiny number of 7(2+9+1+9+7+6= 34= 7).

Expression or Destiny Number

The Expression number, often referred to as the Destiny Number, is an important core number. Derived from your full name at birth, it symbolizes the opportunities you have at your disposal, reveals your inner goal, the person you aim to be, and the talents, abilities, and shortcomings that were with you when you entered your human body.

soul urge number

What is the Soul Urge Number?

The soul urge number is also called the heart’s desire number in numerology. This number is a reflection of the inner you, your authentic self, deep beneath the surface of your outer personality. It speaks to your true desires and motivations.
For this calculation use ONLY the VOWELS of your full birth name. Add them up and reduce to a single digit unless a master number occurs.
Our example Jane Doe
1 + 5 = 6 for Jane
6 + 5= 11 for Doe.

Knight of Wands Reversed Tarot Card

The Knight of Wands reversed is a wild card, in more ways than one. This card of energy, action, and life has been upended, spilling energy every which way. If the Knight of Wands reversed shows up in your tarot spread, proceed very, very cautiously. Yes, you get that advice with most reversed cards, but it's critical in this case. The Knight of Wands reversed tarot card can be the obstacle that shows you a new course, but it can also be the energy that pushes you into situations you can't control.
Again With the Knights and Wands
To review, the knights are action and energy. No matter the element of the tarot card, the knight is the one who starts actually doing something with the element. A page or princess may get the idea to do or say something, and the knight will provide the energy to get going. Wands are the suit of real action, pure physical movement, so the Knight of Wands is the guy you want to see when you are ready to get going with a plan that you came up with. No more creating the plan or putting everything into place before you go; now it's time to physically do something about it. This can also imply actually traveling or even moving house, often on a rather fast schedule.
As a court card, the Knight of Wands is typically a red-headed young man, though women can embody this energy as well.
Reversal of Energy and Action
The reverse is where the Knight of Wands goes from being the card you want on your side to the card that potentially alarms you. Before you actually do get alarmed at this tarot card showing up in your reading, though, remember that these cards can represent a whole range of issues depending on your question and the point in the spread where they show up.
One less-alarming meaning of the reversed card is a blockage of energy. You've got to get going, but you're just too tired. You've got to move house, but you can't find something that would be livable, or maybe you're in an expensive area where you're just not qualifying because the rents are too high. Or the move is a go, but it's really disorganized. You're ready to get going on a work project, but everyone around you is creating obstacles. You're ready for your road trip only to encounter a heck of a lot of traffic.
But a more intense meaning is that something has gotten out of control. You're so ready to get going that you start acting impulsively, creating more problems for yourself. Or maybe that new guy you've started dating suddenly wants to move way too fast. Work has become chaotic. It's possible that the meaning here is rather subtle; things won't go as smoothly as you'd hoped. But there is the potential for things to go wildly off course, or for someone fitting the description of the Knight of Wands to be an actual personal version of a wildcard.
Look at the visual of the upside-down card. The fringe and ornamental feathers attached to the knight's helmet and suit of armor, which in the upright card drift down, now look like they're floating up -- much like flames. This knight's energy has become so wild as to be like a wildfire. What's more, instead of a horse rearing up, ready to go, you have the horse and knight falling away from the earth, with nothing beneath them to stop them from falling forever. Impulsive energy can send you in directions from which you won't recover.
This knight's reversed energy is so intense that, if you get the card in a position that implies he's a romantic interest, you may want to approach him with caution, or someone around him. Remember, sometimes it's not the person you date, but one of his friends or family that becomes a real problem - or even one of yourfriends or family members.
This is not to say that the card indicates you shouldn't move forward. But be very aware of red flags and try to determine where this knight's energy is showing up. (Caution: Don't become the Knight of Wands reversed yourself by assigning the energy to someone who doesn't deserve it, and then heaping alarm on that person.) Wildfires throw out sparks and create new hotspots and you need to figure out where the source of that fire is while still being careful of the sparks.
Dialing It Back
So, now that you're staring at this reversed tarot card wide-eyed, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. It is possible that the blockage or weird energy will be minor. But you need to know about the potential problems just in case. If you start to encounter blockages, obstacles, or overly energetic people, stop. A meditation practice would be a good thing to start now to help keep your energy in check.
You may also want to do some clutter clearing or tidying. That type of energy in your surroundings can make you feel out of control in subtle ways.
Because this card's interpretations are rather straightforward, it's one of those cards that lends itself well to further investigation. A tarot reading online with follow-up readings can be very helpful here, especially because the more you know may help you figure out whether you're dealing with something serious, or something that's just frustrating.
If you get the Knight of Wands reversed, keep your sense of humor, but also sharpen your senses. If you can see clearly where the issue lies, you can figure out a way around it.